All Seasons Blog

7 Colorado Lawn Care Tips for Green & Healthy Grass

Michele Free - Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Caring for a lawn at high altitude in a dry climate can be a challenge. Here are 7 tips to help you succeed. 

Lawn Care Tip 1 - One-Third Rule 

Removing more than 1/3 of the grass blade will stress out your lawn. If you cut or take out too much of the grass blade, your lawn will have a difficult time thriving and will instead look burnt out.

Lawn Care Tip 2 - Highest Acceptable Height

When you have long grass blades, your roots will grow deeper. Grass that has deeper roots will withstand drought and oppose pests and diseases.

Lawn Care Tip 3 - Sharp Mower Blades 

Your lawn's appearance is enhanced by sharp mower blades. Cleaner cuts of grass are provided by sharp blades. Grass will be able to recover from mowing faster when it is cut by sharp blades.

Lawn Care Tip 4 - Apply Fertilizer 

Use fertilizer to get a healthy, green lawn. You have to apply fertilizer at the right time to get the best results. Consult with your local Weed Man professional for options.

Lawn Care Tip 5 - Deal with Weeds, Insects and Diseases

Brown circles or dry areas around your lawn means that you might have a problem. As problems travel under the soil, big circles called brownouts caused by fungal disease or insects leave a line of traceable dead grass. Your Weed Man professional can help identify the exact problem and recommend treatment.

Lawn Care Tip 6 - Deep Watering

Deep (rather than shallow) lawn watering is encouraged to grow deeper roots. One inch of water to 12 inches of soil is the preferred ratio for watering actively growing grass. Watering your lawn every three days is better than watering a few minutes every day.

Lawn Care Tip 7 - Check Your Irrigation System

For proper turf watering, test your irrigation system. One suggestion is to place five straight-sided pans around your lawn. When you turn your irrigation system on, take note of how long it takes for one inch of water to accumulate. Check to see if all the pans get the same amount of water. You might need to adjust the amount or distance of your lawn's sprinkler heads.  

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