All Seasons Blog

Who Says Money Doesn't Grow On Trees?

Michele Free - Monday, April 1, 2013

The Realty Times, in an article published on April 2, says that having trees on your property adds value to your home. They emphasize that though having trees on your property is important, it is just as important to have the right tree for the right location.

They go on to say:
  • HomeLogic reports the USDA Forest Service says a single tree on a property adds about $630 to the value of the property, provided the right tree is used in the proper location. 
  • Over time, three well placed trees can save even more in energy savings - from $100 to $250 every year, due to cooling shade and winter windbreaking. 
  • The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency says strategically planted trees and vegetation that block the sun's rays and reduce heat transfer to a home can reduce cooling energy consumption by up to 40 percent annually.And then there's the reduced carbon footprint that helps save the planet. It's tough to put a price tag on Mother Earth.
  • HouseLogic reports the Trust for Public Land estimated that one mature tree takes 48 pounds of carbon out of the atmosphere each year and returns enough oxygen for two human beings .For the return on your money, trees are a cheap investment. 

Read the whole article on RealtyTimes: